Workshop of Curriculum Development 2014/2015

Friday, August 29, 2014 15:11 WIB   Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan

Berita UMM
 Curriculum Deveopment Workshop 2014-2015

            Yielding great competent graduates fitting standard and being ready to compete in global world with high degree of Islamic values is the major purpose of Nursing Department, Health Studies Faculty of University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM). Thereby, it is an obligation to conduct effective and efficient learning process which meets the Department’s vision and mission. Regarding to this matter, Nursing Department conducts several things, such as: planning the learning process, undergoing learning process, assessing and monitoring learning process in order to guarantee the quality of learning process. The planning of learning process covers Student’s Activities Guide Book (BPKM), Facilitator Guide Book (BPF), and Lesson Plans which at least consists of learning objectives, learning materials, learning resources, and learning evaluation.

            Nursing Department is one of the tertiary education levels in health studies in which its graduates are aimed to master both professional nursing studies and skills through the use of learning resources: infrastructures, educators, and curriculum.

        Welcoming the new learning term 2014/2015, Nursing Department of Health Studies Faculty has conducted curriculum development workshop during August 25th-27th, 2014 in ICMI room on 2nd floor of Campus II UMM. This event was opened by Dean of Health Studies Faculty, Yoyok Bekti Prasetyo, M.Kep, Sp.,Kom. It was attended by all 40 lecturers of Nursing Department who were chosen as book compilers of Institution Curriculum Guide Book year 2014.   

            The curriculum development workshop for Nursing Department, Health Studies Faculty of University of Muhammadiyah Malang was well and smoothly conducted. Despite the fact that it was started at 08.00 am up to 03.30 pm during 3 days, workshop audiences could come on-time and were very enthusiasm participating it. The first day of workshop was started by explanation of SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis from Secretary of Nursing Department, Ledy Martha Aridiana, S.Kep.Ns.M.Kes. It relates to educators, learning methods, infrastructures, financial affairs, and environment which is previously formulated in Pre-workshop on August 22nd-23rd, 2014 in the same place. After the explanation, it was continued by vision and mission stating from Head of Nursing Department, Nurul Aini, S.Kep.,Ns,.M.Kep. Afterward, there was curriculum discussion from each commission that has been previously divided by the committee of this workshop. There were 5 commissions made: Commission A (Nursing Basis), Commission B (Emergency and Medical Nursing), Commission C (Surgery Medical Nursing), Commission D (Mind and Maternity Nursing), and Commission E (Children and Community Nursing). Each commission discussion lasted for 2 days to synchronize learning materials for courses term 2014/2015. The next day, there were presentation for discussion results from each commission relating to Core Competence, Tutorial, Laboratory Skill, PjBL, Fieldtrip, and Presentation from each course by each PJMA. This workshop fetched the agreement related to the institution curriculum guide book for Nursing Department 2014 along with lecturing instruments such as: BPF, BPKM, and Lesson Plans. It was closed by Head of Nursing Department and continued by pray appeal from Ust. Sunardi, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kep and picturing all Nursing Department lecturers of Health Studies Faculty, University of Muhammadiyah Malang. (t_stu)

